At the initiative of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada is flying in 25,000 Syrian refugees from camps in Lebanon and Jordan. Volunteers are offering shelter and knitting tuques. “It is a very nice step, a question of humanity.”
As Europeans and Canadians mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day this week, including the liberation of the Netherlands by Canadian forces, World War II veteran Jim Wilkinson shares his recollections of the conflict. “I never thought we would lose so many men.”
Since the crushing defeat of Pauline Marois and the Parti Québécois in Monday’s provincial election, many have been wondering if Quebec’s sovereignty movement is in permanent decline. To interpret the result, it may be more useful to also take voting patterns in Quebec’s previous general election into account.
When Quebec Premier Pauline Marois called elections in Canada’s predominantly French-speaking province five weeks ago, it was assumed her party, the separatist Parti Québécois, would coast to victory. Instead, the PQ is under pressure in the polls. Voters are wary of another referendum on independence.
More than 30 seniors are feared dead after a fire swept through a retirement home in Quebec. Fighting the flames and recovery of the victims has been hampered by extremely cold temperatures and a thick layer of ice where water from firehoses froze.
The train disaster in Lac-Mégantic has exposed a creeping trend in North America: an exponential increase in the transport of crude oil by rail. Railway companies like the booming business, but critics say the risks of the oil trains are too big.
The people of Lac-Mégantic cannot yet grasp the enormity of the train disaster that wiped out their town centre this weekend. There is growing disbelief: how could a runaway train careen into their town to cause such deadly devastation?
A freight train carrying crude oil derailed and exploded in the centre of the Canadian town of Lac-Mégantic this weekend. Dozens of people are missing following a massive inferno. Canada’s Prime Minister compared the disaster area with a war zone.
For the first time in history, a member of the indigenous population of North America has been canonized by the Catholic church. Kateri Tekakwitha was a young Mohawk woman who lived over 300 years ago. Her admirers attribute special powers to her.
Canadian ‘porn killer’ Luka Rocco Magnotta has been arrested in an Internet café in Berlin following an international search of less than a week. Canada wants Magnotta to be sent back to Montreal to face justice over his high-profile atrocities.
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